Donna Holt, Virginia State Chairman of the Campaign for Liberty and personal hero of mine, is coming to speak to the Mechanicsville Tea Party (my tea party group!) on a subject near and dear to my heart: Agenda 21.
As you know, I have blogged on ICLEI, which is the local government confederation dedicated to promoting so-called climate change, radical environmental agendas and other political issues (See their Charter 1.7 for those – they include abortion, socialistic solutions to human poverty, such things as “health care” as a right, political correctness and propaganda for our kids) at international fora throughout the world. it is patently unconstitutional and clearly unwise for any American town, city or county to be a member of ICLEI but over 600 or them including about two dozen in the Commonwealth are members of ICLEI. (But praise God at least one is NOT: Carroll County, MD, a community that withdrew from it this January.)
Agenda 21 is the designs of those ICLEI are allied with. It’s bad UN (my readers are clear on what this means!) law or policy. I encourage all my readers to come out and hear Donna talk about the threat of Agenda 21 and what Hanover can do about it. It is Thursday, March 3, 2011 at 7pm at 8493 New Bethesda Road, in Mechanicsville.
Article written by: Elwood "Sandy" Sanders
About Elwood Sanders
Elwood "Sandy" Sanders is a Hanover attorney who is an Appellate Procedure Consultant for Lantagne Legal Printing and has written ten scholarly legal articles. Sandy was also Virginia's first Appellate Defender and also helped bring curling in VA! (None of these titles imply any endorsement of Sanders’ views)
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