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Jamie Radtke To Run Against Jim Webb for Senate


Jamie Brown Radtke

Jamie Brown Radtke

Richmond Tea Party leader (now former leader) Jamie Brown Radtke has filed papers to run for the US Senate against Democrat Jim Webb. Radtke has the distinction of being the first to throw her hat in the ring for what is expected to be a crowded Republican primary contest in 2012.

Former Governor and Senator George Allen, Delegate Bob Marshall and Prince William Board of Supervisors Chairman Corey Stewart are considering running in the 2012 Republican Primary as well as a few others.

What this means is that the Republicans will have a great candidate to pit against Webb no matter what. These are all good, strong potential Senators.

You have been living under a rock the past couple of days if you missed the media storm surrounding Radtke’s announcement. She has been in print, radio, television and internet. Pretty amazing so far.

In listening to the interviews and buzz around the water cooler, I have been quite amused by a couple of the questions Jamie has been asked.

The one that really tops my list is “Really? You’re a Republican?” or words to that effect.

I have known Jamie Radtke for around a year now in connection with blogging at Tea Party events and the Tea Party Patriots Convention that she spearheaded. We discussed the question of party affiliation and it is her belief that the best way to fix the Country is by fixing the Republican Party. In one interview, she said Republicans have strayed from their creed. This was a point on which we both agreed.

Radtke readily admitted that she considered herself a Republican, but in many Tea Party circles it is best to concentrate on the issues at hand. Taxes and Constitution. It was clearly her aim to avoid labels and welcome like minded people to the Tea Party tent without the labels. In the Tea Party movement, labels are irrelevant (to most).

For those that know her, it would be difficult to conceive that Jamie Radtke would mount or support a third party challenge (in most cases), and going toe to toe against the Republican Party “machine” (if you will) is exactly her style. Radtke will stand up to anyone without blinking.

So, to the question of Jamie Radtke being a Republican, there can be no doubt.

A second issue with Radtke is experience. But when you consider the experience factor, none will have as much experience as George Allen. He has held the position and is the only candidate that can claim experience as a US Senator. Some see experience as a positive, others as a negative.

But I can say this: what Radtke lacks in experience she makes up for with more natural leadership skills than anyone I have ever met. She has amazing instinct and sense of direction.

I attended a few Tea Party meetings held to organize the Tea Party events and the Fund Raisers to provide input from a blogging perspective. I was impressed with the efficiency and professionalism of the meetings. Radtke has the ability to track everything from the smallest of tasks to the major projects with uncanny ease. She personally takes on a large portion of the work, but knows what and when to delegate. Yet she never loses track of the big picture.

Her care and concern for making sure the message of the Tea Party movement was the major story, and not the side shows the media tried to emphasize was impressive.

But the driving force behind Jamie Radtke is her children. She has a laser focus on their future, and the future of all of our children. Is Radtke a Mama Grizzly?  She has a lot of the qualifications to be one, but there is far more to this lady than a simple Mama Grizzly could convey.

Exactly how this race will play out in 2012 is anyone’s guess. I would expect this race to mostly hit the back burner when the 2011 State House and Senate races get underway in a few weeks and begin simmering late in 2011.

For those who will say Jamie Radtke does not have the experience to be a US Senator, keep in mind that she didn’t have the experience to pull off a Tea Party or Convention, either. But she did an outstanding job with both.

I will be watching this Primary unfold with interest and look forward to the debates and dialog to come. This has all the markings of an epic adventure with nary a weak link in the field.

Jamie Radtke, the very definition of the consummate outsider. A born leader forged in the Tea Party fires, tough and ready to do battle.

Corey Stewart, a “foot barely in the door” inside/outsider. Political experience on a local level, Conservative to the core with a proven track record on immigration issues.

Bob Marshall, the insider known for rock solid, protect our rights legislation. Lots of political experience on the state level.

And last but not least, George Allen. Proven leader, political powerhouse, the experienced insider. Previous occupant of a Senate seat, and considered by most the early favorite.

If I were Webb, I would go ahead and resign now and perhaps move to some tropical island.

Virginia Right! wishes all of the candidates in this race godspeed. We have a lot of talent lining up to knock off one of the weakest Senators Virginia has ever produced in Jim Webb. Your sacrifices over the next (almost) two years will be great and the citizens of Virginia should be proud of your decision to work for the people.

A five star lineup, to be sure.

Article written by: Tom White

About Tom White

Tom is a US Navy Veteran, owns an Insurance Agency and is currently an IT Manager for a Virginia Distributor. He has been published in American Thinker, currently writes for the Richmond Examiner as well as Virginia Right! Blog. Tom lives in Hanover County, Va and is involved in politics at every level and is a Recovering Republican who has finally had enough of the War on Conservatives in progress with the Leadership of the GOP on a National Level.

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